Lynnmarie Hinerman

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6)
My miraculous journey to find the unconditional love of Almighty Heavenly Father was filled with extraordinary lessons since my early childhood. I didn’t and couldn’t comprehend His unfailing love as He miraculously kept me safe as a child through my teens.
Despite rejecting Him in my early years, and even after receiving Christ as my personal Lord and Savior in my late twenties, I wasn’t dedicated to living for Him yet. I didn’t comprehend Heavenly Father had a bigger plan for my life.
It took years of learning before He revealed his purpose to me. Heavenly Father gave me a VOICE to inspire and transform people’s lives in order to fulfill His grand purpose. He gave me the voice to spread love, unity, kindness, and understanding to all humans, regardless of their biases, weaknesses, and beliefs.
In April 2002, I was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in my neck. The cancerous mass had invaded my vocal cords. Cancer threatened to take my voice away and silence me for life. It was nothing shy of a miracle of Heavenly Father that I still have a voice to speak and to sing His praises!
Hallelujah to His Mighty Name! During my battle with cancer, I was inspired by our Heavenly Father to write and record my song “Hold Me Father” which I hope will bless many people’s lives. This was also the year when Hope Has a Voice Ministries was born. During this trial, I heard God speak to my heart with the name of this Ministry and His plan. Heavenly Father had been at work in my life for many years, but now I was able to clearly see His purpose for me.
He is our hope, and He works through us and uses our voices to share the good news and gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. When we go through difficult times, we keep hope and hold on to faith. God’s Word tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).
The battle with cancer was challenging, but the Lord delivered me to victory. He reminded me to keep my eyes on Him as my Heavenly Father, and not on my circumstances.
His presence in my life has led me to live a life of ministry serving in a multitude of areas including becoming ordained in 2008. He has blessed me with a loving, faithful, and supportive husband, along with an amazing son. I am forever thankful for the Holy Ghost fire that fills me and my family.
Yeshua Hamashiach is the answer to all you will ever need! I believe Heavenly Father continues to speak through my heart, so I can deliver His message through my voice one person at a time for His Glory! Heavenly Father’s name shall be upon my lips and I will sing of His amazing wonders and testify to Him until He calls me home.